How to Remove Dark Spots on Face

How to Remove Dark Spots on Face

Why invest in expensive beauty products laden with harmful chemicals when simple ingredients from the kitchen can work so well for your daily beauty regimen? Read on for skin care tips and hair care tips you can easily benefit from on a daily basis.

Sure, dark spots can be annoying. Over exposure to the sun can cause them. And so can a number of other factors such as ageing, pregnancy, acne, hormonal imbalance, etc. Skin problems could occur due to numerous reasons, so why aggravate it further by covering it up with heavy makeup or using harsh chemical treatments?

You know what? The next time you notice a patch of skin on your face that seems slightly darker than the rest of the skin, the first thing to do is relax! We promise, your skin won’t lose its glow and clear complexion to those nasty dark spots. Just follow what we have to say next and watch them disappear like magic!


  1. If you don’t have too much time to brood over those pesky dark spots, choose a completely safe, sure shot and quick fix solution. Bleach your skin with like Dabur’s new Fem Fairness Naturals – Saffron, with no added ammonia. Specially formulated for a fair skin tone, it lightens dark facial hair, spots and pigmentation, giving a flawless tone and fairness. This bleach is dermatologically tested, hence it’s safe on the skin and it visibly lightens dark facial hair, spots and pigmentation. This is your 15 minutes wonder solution to a flawless, even tone and healthy fairness.
  2. Next up, is an unexpected tip to put an end to your facial skin problems. Raiding the refrigerator can help banish those annoying dark spots! Apply the juice and the pulp of any citrus fruit sitting in your fridge or kitchen and watch your dark spots disappear in no time!
  3. Being sun-safe is going to earn you some extra benefits too! Never step out without a good sunscreen and maybe a sun hat or scarf. It will not only add an oomph factor to your attire but also keep you free from falling prey to ugly dark spots! Remember to apply the sunblock (with adequate SPF) 30 minutes before you go out.
  4. Boost your skin’s health and keep facial skin problems at bay by tanking up on antioxidants and nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Also load up on water to keep your skin well hydrated and glowing!

So, not afraid of dark spots anymore? That’s the spirit! Go natural with Dabur and put an end to all your skin problems!
