Why Everyone Should Use Only The Best Organic Skin Care Products

It is more and more common for those who care about their health to eat only organic foods. They may care about their environment and use green products. But then they put on gobs and gobs of makeup and skin care products made from petroleum, old grease from restaurants and a whole assortment of chemicals and other junk.

Then they wonder why they have skin issues. Everyone deserves to use only the best organic skin care products. To choose the right ones requires some understanding about how to check if they are truly organic or not.

Are All Products That Say They Are Organic, Safe?

This is perhaps one of the most important questions everyone should be asking when making the change from ordinary skin care to organic products. The answer is sadly, no. Many products labeled as organic actually have formaldehyde, petroleum wax and a whole assortment of other chemicals that are anything but organic.

hile the person selecting this might like the smell, almost all perfumes have some chemicals and most have dozens or even hundreds of chemicals in them. It is unfortunate but the FDA does not require companies to put the ingredients of their perfumes and fragrances on the label.

This is basically because these companies claim the ingredients constitute proprietary formulas the company does not wish to disclose. For that reason, it is best to get skin care products that do not have any perfumes added. These products often have chemicals that are known carcinogens that are linked to cancer development.

How Do The Best Organic Skin Care Products Differ From Others?

Real organic skin care exfoliates, tones, moisturizes and cleanses the skin without using any chemical or artificial additives. This reduces concerns for those with sensitive skin and helps skin be its best without harsh chemicals that over time age and damage skin.

What Goes On Goes In

Anytime someone uses skin care products made with chemicals and artificial additives, those things get into the body. So it doesn’t make sense that someone would eat organic foods just to load up the body with similar or worse chemicals by using non-organic skin care.

Getting Certified Organic Products

This should be easy, but it isn’t as easy as it could be. The most important thing for anyone to do is use products and brands they know and trust. The word natural means that it comes from the sea or from the land. The word botanical means it is plant derived. Organic is not defined in any way by the FDA. But it is regulated by the Dept of Agriculture.

Some companies will use outside testing facilities to verify their claims of being natural and organic. Look for these certifications on the label. Having no certifications on the label doesn’t mean they are not organic, but simply putting the word on the label does not guarantee they are.

There are trusted brands that offer truly organic skin care and that is the best way to go. Simply check online reviews, ask friends for recommendations and use good judgment. It is worth the effort.

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