Brows play a huge part in framing your face & can make all the difference in your overall look. Thick brows are in, but not all of us have those naturally full eyebrows. Or maybe we do, they're just hiding .

I can't help but cringe when I look back at old photos & see my thin, ungroomed eyebrows. Comparing back then to now, it's crazy the effect a nice set of brows has. And all I had to do was let them free! I let them grow out & with the help of this oil, all the sparse areas finally filled in.

Lucky for you I found some old pics of my thin brows before they were given any love! You can see the difference in the last photo where I let them grow out.

Apply this serum to your brows every night before bed & you should start to notice them filling out within a couple weeks. I also found that the more I tried to let my brows breathe makeup-free, the more the hair would grow.

My main trouble areas were the start & ends of my brows. Even after just a week they started filling in.

(This isn't to say that thin brows aren't nice! I think however your brows grow naturally are what seems to look best with your face)


  • Cococnut Oil
  • Vitamin E Oil
  • Container
  • Castor Oil
  • G-Tips


Fill up your vial / jar ⅓ of the way with coconut oil.

Fill another third with castor oil.

Fill up the rest of your vial / jar with the vitamin E oil (I usually put more castor than vitamin E).

Make sure to stir the mixture before applying so your brows get the benefits of each oil.

Note that oil has a way of squeezing through cracks and can leak out of your container. I wouldn't recommend bringing this serum to-go unless you have it in an air-tight jar or ziploc!

If you tried this serum did you notice a difference in your brows? My brows are the one thing I put makeup on everyday and my goal is to grow them out enough to not need it!



  • Coconut oil
  • Castor oil
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Small vial or jar
  • Q-tips (optional)


  1. Fill your vial / jar ⅓ of the way with the coconut oil
  2. Fill ⅓ or more with the castor oil
  3. Top it up with the vitamin E oil
  4. Before applying make sure to mix the serum to get each of the oils!
  5. Apply to brow with a Q-tip for precise application or simply use a clean finger

Oil has a way of squeezing through cracks and can leak out of your container. I wouldn't recommend bringing this serum to-go unless you have it in a seal-tight jar.

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